Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Emotion Code® and Body Code™?

The Emotion Code®

The Emotion Code® is a powerful and straightforward technique designed to identify and release Trapped Emotions through the use of Muscle Testing or Kinesiology. These Trapped Emotions reside in the subconscious mind and can influence physical well-being.

Developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson, a holistic chiropractor with over 20 years of experience, The Emotion Code® emerged from his observation that his patients' ailments often had emotional roots. Dr. Nelson coined the term “Trapped Emotions” to describe negative emotional energy that becomes lodged in the body during difficult times.

Energy, as understood through this practice, is a fundamental element of all creation, designed by God. Utilizing applied kinesiology, your practitioner can connect with your energy field to assess and address these imbalances.

Your subconscious mind functions as a sophisticated “computer system,” meticulously storing all experiences from birth and even before. It retains every sight, sound, touch, smell, and emotion. This repository influences your conscious thoughts, behaviors, and decisions. By engaging with the subconscious, The Emotion Code® facilitates deep, root-level changes, offering a non-invasive method for achieving lasting improvements in your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.


The Body Code™ 

The Body Code™ extends the principles of The Emotion Code® by addressing imbalances across multiple dimensions: emotional, energetic, nutritional, structural, pathogens, and toxicity. This comprehensive system enables the identification and correction of various imbalances within the body.

The Body Code™ is designed to complement, not replace, conventional medical treatments. By rectifying underlying imbalances, it enhances the body’s inherent self-healing capabilities. As a result, clients often experience relief from discomfort, improved organ function, better nutrient absorption, increased energy levels, and manageable or resolved emotional issues.

In summary, both The Emotion Code® and The Body Code™ offer holistic approaches to wellness, helping to restore balance and support optimal health through the careful integration of advanced techniques and deep-rooted insights.

What is the Belief Code®?

The Belief Code® follows the same simple process as the Emotion Code®.  It uses mind-mapping technology to allow the subconscious to lead practitioners to the belief that needs to be addressed.

A belief is a subjective view held by the subconscious mind that something is true or false, right or wrong, and is the filter through which life is viewed and experienced. Beliefs represent a broad and absolute truth created by self-conclusion, suggestion, or inheritance. Only subconscious beliefs that are incongruent with conscious beliefs can be changed energetically. A person must have the desire to change an incongruent belief. Conscious beliefs cannot be changed except through conscious effort. A subconscious belief exists as a distinct, singular pattern of energy.

What is Muscle Testing and how does it work?

Muscle Testing is also known in some countries as Kinesiology. It is a non-invasive tool that can help us identify imbalances in the body. The principle is that any muscle becomes weakened in a state of incongruence or falsehood (like a lie on a lie detector test) making resistance difficult. Conversely, muscles remain strong and able to resist when in a state of congruence or truth. Using this principle, muscle testing allows us to access important information about our bodies and the health or blocks to health residing within. We just have to know what questions to ask, apply the resistance to a muscle, and then be able to discern a Yes response from a No response.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

It depends. It’s a bit like trying to answer the question “how long is a piece of string?”

There is no one answer to this question as each person is unique. It depends on how many issues or goals you wish to work on, and also on the volume of Trapped Emotions you have which relate to the issue we work on together.

Some issues can be fully released in one session, others take multiple sessions. And you may have many topics you wish to work on. For example, you may have a sore lower back, but also frequent feelings of anxiety or low mood, maybe more.

How Long Before I Feel Results From a Session?

It generally takes around two to three days to fully process the session (a bit like peeling away the layers of an onion). Sometimes the effects can be very subtle and other times you may notice a shift straight away (it can change from person to person and even from session to session) as we are all different and we all respond in different ways.

When we're working with emotions, generally we find that the things which used to create emotional charge or upset when you thought about them will feel neutral after we clear the trapped emotions or imbalances associated with that person, place, situation, event, or thing.

Some people feel like they're floating out of their session - so light and peaceful. Some people feel exhausted and like they could have a nap afterwards. Others may feel a bit emotional for a day or two as they're processing the echoes of what came up during the session. Please know that any and all of these responses are totally normal and if you have any questions about anything post-session, please feel welcome to contact me.

Wendy Farrell

  • Certified Emotion Code® Practitioner
  • Certified Body Code® Practitioner
  • Certified Belief Code® Practitioner
  • Healing In The Kingdom Certified Ambassador
  • 100X Academy Certified
  • Trained Sozo facilitator
  • 101 Brain Gym®101
  • B.A. (Psychology)
Emotion Code
Body Code Practitioner
certified belief code